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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Miracle Baby


Elliott is a miracle. I knew this based on how bad a shape he was in when we took him from the orphanage to the hospital and everyone kept asking me how this baby was alive. He went several weeks without proper nourishment and his tiny muscles were stiff, stiff, stiff. What I didn't know is how much of a miracle he really is.

This week we ventured back to "his home" at the orphanage to give them an update on all of the medical procedures that took place while we were in Yaounde. They informed me that they had found the actual birth mother of Elliott and his sister Cathy Praise and that she had visited them while we were away. (Elliott and Cathy Praise were abandoned on Dec. 16, 2011 - ten days after their birth.)

As it turns out, their mother has given birth to 9 children. Cathy Praise was number 8 and Elliot was number 9. Sadly, 6 of her 9 children were DEAD and the only other living child was ill. This jolted me. What do you mean, I asked? Were they still born? Did they have an illness? Does the mother or father have some disease?

The Orphanage staff couldn't answer these questions for me. These were not answers that they were looking for. The father of Elliott and Cathy isn't the same father as the other children, so one would assume that there is something genetic with the mother.

Because of the deaths of her other children, Elliott's mother tried to have an abortion 2 months after finding out she was pregnant. I have no idea how many months along she was when she attempted this. I only know that she wasn't successful. Miracle number 2.

Mom found out about the orphanage and went "for a visit" while she was pregnant. She took food and gifts for the children there and asked for a tour. She was satisfied that the orphanage was a good place for children to grow up and she secretly made plans to bring her child here after giving birth. Miracle number 3.

At the time of the attempted abortion, mom didn't know that she was carrying twins. Complications with the attempted abortion prompted her to seek medical attention and it was then that she found out and decided to keep the children. Sometime later she went into labor and had serious complications. She had to have a C-section and she and the children were hospitalized for 10 days. When she left the hospital, she and her sister made the short drive to the orphanage. Mom stood at the main road while the sister took the children and dropped them off at the orphanage. She told the orphanage staff that she was the aunt and the mother was dead. (They told their family that the children had died in the hospital.)

The orphanage took the children and gave them a home but various things happened that made them suspicious about the actual identities of the children and the woman who dropped them off. Miracle number 4.

After Elliott became sick, the orphanage staff took measures to find the woman who dropped off the children and to get the truth about the situation. They were finally able to locate her and the birth mother 2 weeks ago and the truth came out. Miracle number 5.

All of these things left my mind reeling. During the various hospital visits, I have been asked about the pregnancy and birth of Elliott. Were there complications? Was there trauma to his head? Something had to cause the Tetanus and there are no signs as to why he had it... He also has significant brain damage that appears to be caused by trauma but the doctor's can't be sure. Suddenly, I have a way to get the answers... Except that when we call the mother her phone isn't going through. We call her family members and they tell us that she hasn't been seen in a while, she has traveled. No one can tell us where but they promised to look for her and have her come... We are still waiting...

In the meantime, I get angrier and angrier. I have spent a lot of time angry over how much Elliott has suffered and the injustice that is done to many children, all over the world. God and I have had some serious conversations...

It wasn't until yesterday that I started to let go of the anger and look at all of the blessings that have been a part of Elliott's life. He is still alive. He has people all over the world who are praying for him and helping financially with his medical care and upkeep, He has a Pediatric Neurologist in Cameroon who made himself available on his off days to see him, his body is no longer stiff as a board and he can eat normally and put his fingers in his mouth, etc., etc. etc.

While he continues to have problems, he is still defying the odds of what the doctors' say he can and cannot do.

Three days ago, he started having a different type of seizure. His eyes rolled up in his head and went, round and round and round. His legs and arms were slightly raised but he wasn't convulsing... This happened at least 4 times with the last seizure lasting a good 5 minutes... NOT good. Today it happened again and I called the Neurologist. He has asked us to come back to Yaounde for treatment. AARGH... I was tempted to get angry all over again and I had to stop myself. God is still good, He still loves Elliott and He still loves me. I am fortunate to have the Neurologists cell phone number to reach him quickly to find out what to do...

I shifted from anger to Praise. Thank you Lord that you have provided for Elliott. Thank you that we are able to go to Yaounde and we have housing and drivers and translators already in place. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for all that you have done thus far and will continue to do on behalf of your child... etc., etc, etc.

So as I prepare myself to gather all of his things and pack again and wait for the unknown, I trust God. I love Him and I know He only wants the best for His children. I refuse to get angry. I will just wait with anticipation for the next set of miracles in Elliott's life.

I hold on to Hebrews 13:5b and 6
for He, God Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. I will not, I will not, I will not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor  let you down,  or relax My hold on you, Assuredly not!
So we take comfort and are encouraged and confidently and boldly say, The Lord is my Helper; I will not be seized with alarm, I will not fear or dread or be terrified. What can man do to me? 

Please continue to pray for baby Elliott, for me and for the Doctor's who are caring for him. 

Blessings to all of you and your families. 

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